Kateri (back when she had fleece):

SHVN The Buccaneer
THE BUCCANEER TAKES ANOTHER CHAMPIONSHIP! The Buccaneer took an impressive first over tight competition at IAOBA. First of thirteen then Champion over 28. We can't stop smiling.
From the time The Buccaneer hit the ground we knew we had a very special animal. Our initial observations have been proven. When we take him to shows we often have other breeders compliment his appearance before he even gets to the ring. His conformation is flawless. Covering his perfect frame is dense, soft, well structured fiber. His color is a very dark true black with no secondary fibers of any other colors. We have even looked between his toes but not located any other color. This trait was pointed out by a senior judge during a show. Another show brought the description of "a complete package". We always look forward to showing him and plan to continue showing into adulthood.
The Buccaneer bred for the first time on the Fourth of July! At one week the female spit like she was possessed!! When he figured out what was going on he bred gently but like an old pro. We are eager to share his genetics with others. Take advantage of this opportunity to add this exquisite boy's genetics to your herd.
Watch this boy for updates.

Awards Received
1st of 10 True Black Juvenile Males,Spring Fling 2007
1st of 15 True Black Yearling Males, Empire Alpaca Extravaganza 2007
COLOR CHAMPION Black Males, Empire Alpaca Extravaganza 2007
2nd place Bay Black Yearling Males, Northern Illinois Alpaca Extravaganza 2007
RESERVE COLOR CHAMPION Black Males , Northern Illinois Alpaca Extravaganza 2007
1st of 13 True Black Yearling Males, OABA Alpacafest 2007
2nd Place Wisconsin Spring Bling 2008
1st of 13 True Black Yearling Males IAOBA
1st place Yearling Black Males, Michigan Breeders Show 2008.(no championship)
Stud Fee: $1500 Introductory
Our goal for Victoria was to find a male that has good crimp. Victoria has lots of thick fleece and great conformation. What she lacks is crimp and that hurt her a lot in showing. We decided to use a herdsire from a local farm, Sanborn's Norther Alpacas.

Twister is the son of Show Me the Money (an Accoyo Royal Fawn son & half brother to Dom Lucilio), an amazing full Peruvian fawn multiple Color Champion. Twister has lustrous fleece with consistent crimp. We expect to see a high quality fleece on him as he matures. He keeps looking better the older he gets. We can't wait to see the quality cria he will 'criate'.
Check out what Zodiac Ranch has to say about his granddam! "100% Peruvian. A proven One of the Top five Unique Dams in the country and our best foundation female... Her 2003 offspring Seena's Goldilocks was consigned to the AOBA auction in June, 2004 and sold for $68,000.00 and took Fawn/light Reserve Color Championship. Seena's Goldilocks has won two prior Color Championships in 2004 including 3-1st and 4-2nd places in Halter. Consider the fact that Seena has only had girls and they have all been some of the most elite alpacas in the country. She is in a class of her own. A Color Champion producing female no matter who she is bred to. Her female 2004 cria Zodiac's Peruvian Casanova's Princess took second at both the Futurity and MaPaca shows in 2005 at 6 months old. She was auctioned off at the Nationals in Salt Lake City in June of 2005 as lot 59 the last grey lot for $38,000.00... Her crias are in so much demand that her latest yet to be born has already been sold in utero seven weeks prior to her birthing date at $47500... Seena just gave birth 10/21/05 to a stocky medium fawn male cria weighing 20 pounds...Her last 5 crias sold for a combined $220,500 and some were never shown in the ring.
We are not planning to sell anymore crias from Seena at this time but if we did we would want $75,000 in cash and in full for an in-utereo cria no matter what sex...
Price: $225000 Elite Peruvian Dam "
It's no wonder his Granddam & Dam are not for sale!
Awards Received
1st place, Fawn Yearling Male Shorn Class, 2005 MIAF
One & Only Time Shown
Stud Fee: $800 For a Limited Time FULL PERUVIAN-1/4 ACCOYO
And Sancha has been confirmed pregnant by Lord Stanley.
Sancha (full fleece):

Lord Stanley

Lord Stanley is a 6X Color Champion and our signature herdsire. He is off and running in the cria production department. His first 3 offspring took Get of Sire at the '08 WOTC and Mirage just came back from the Indiana Invitational Show (level V) with a blue and Fawn Color Champion. **Update-Mirage just did it again, she took first at IAOBA out of 12 and finished ahead of a Jeremiah offspring. She then went on to take the Reserve Color Championship. His first son, Slick has already notched 2 Color Championships as well.
Stanley capped off his stellar show career with a First and Color Championship for fleece at MAPACA. In another notable performance at OABA, Stanley got the nod over his 1/2 brother who also has 6 Color Championships. Isn't sibling rivalry great?
Stanley has inherited brightness, uniformity and a high frequency crimp from his sire, Conan, a nationally known herdsire who now resides at Dos Donas in Missouri.
Currently Stanley has 10 cria on the ground with more than a dozen on the way. So far he has produced from white to brown and a couple of multi's. He has tree trunks for legs and recently tipped the scales at 234 Lbs. To top it off he has a black face and black points.
Stanley just sheared a remarkable 13.5 Lbs and is now available for mobile breeding. This Get of Sire winner has already produced multiple Color Champions. One of his daughters just won Fawn Color Champ at the Indiana Invitational so he is stamping out winners at the highest level shows (Level V over 1100 alpacas) Now you can let him do the same for you farm.
Awards Received
1st Place 2008 WOTC Get of Sire
1st & Color Champion 2006 MAPACA-fleece
1st & Color Champion 2006 IAOBA-fleece
1st Place 2006 MOPACA-fleece
2nd Place AFCNA Nationals-fleece
1st & Color Champion 2005 MIAF
Best in Show 2005 MIAF
Judge's Choice 2005 MIAF
1st Place 2004 MAPACA-fleece
1st & Color Champion 2004 MIAF-fleece
1st Place 2004 Michigan Breeders Show
2nd Place 2004 MAPACA
1st & Color Champion 2003 OABA-fleece
1st Place & Best Crimp 2003 Northern Illinois
1st Place 2003 MIAF
1st Place 2003 MIAF-fleece
1st & Color Champion 2003 Llamafest
2nd Place 2004 PAOBA
Stud Fee: $3000 6X Champion