Lightning is our baby. He's curious, and energetic. Wants to play with us but doesn't want us to touch him.
Maddie is the next youngest. She is quiet and low key. She's not one to play around, she also tends to be a loner. She will often be in the pasture by herself. She is the easiest to get close to and is doing the best at halter training of all the young ones.
Maxito is fairly quiet like Maddie. He's the one who has been on our farm the shortest amount of time and I think still isn't use to us. He is the one most likely to spend the night out in the pasture rather than in the barn. He must like the fresh air.
Sommerfield is playful and is the one who is most likely to pronk in the pasture with lightning. She will come over by you if she thinks you have treats, but hates being touched or being haltered. She's going to be difficult to get ready for shows.
Snowstorm is our gelded male. We love his fun smile. While he is one of the bigger alpacas, and can be incredibly stubborn, he is also a big baby. He loves treats and will come nearby just in case you might have one for him. I took this picture while he was sniffing the camera to see if it included any treats.
Kateri is shy and standoffish. She has become even more ornery the further along she gets in her pregnancy. The farm we bought her from said she was very protective of her cria last year (her first cria). We expect she will be like that again. She is the mother hen of the group. She watches out for Lightning sometimes more so than Sancha does.
Victoria is often the first one to greet you at the gate. She is incredibly curious to the point of being nosey. Whenever anything is going on at the barn she has to be standing by to see what's happening. She is also known as a "pig" in that she'll eat all her grain and then try to steal from anyone she can. She is a bit overweight and we have had a heck of a time trimming her down. Snowstorm can be a pig too and since they have the same mother we wonder if it's a genetic quality. I love her new hair do:
Sancha is our eldest alpaca. She seems to be a good mother but is more standoffish about her cria. When she arrived at our farm Sommerfield was weaned but with her and Sancha would often spit Sommerfield off (as she will cling to her mom). She tends to Lightning but gives him a lot of freedom too. Sancha was very ornery with us, but ever since Lightning was born she has warmed up to us. She will now take treats from us. We don't know if she was just ornery because she was pregnant or if she appreciates how we helped with Lightnings delivery (it was a bit rough on her). Sancha appears to be leader in the group. When she walks to the pasture, others follow, and when she walks back to the barn, others follow. It's weird to watch because they do not make any sound. All the sudden Sancha will look up and walk to the barn and others will do the same.
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