Victoria is our "piggy". She is always looking for food. She eats alone in the barn, but only gets a small amount of grain. She eats out of the PVC pipe we put in.
Sancha is our skinny girl, so she not only gets more grain than Victoria, but we supliment with senior horse food (we have also tried alphalfa and dyne, vet recommended the senior horse food). She eats alone in the catch pen.
Kateri eats alone in the pasture. While she is a perfect weight for her frame, she tends to eat slow. Victoria will steal her food if she has the chance so we put Kateri and Tehya in the pasture.
I didn't get a picture of Maddie and Sommer, they eat in the paddock. Victoria can get to them but usually by the time she's gulped down her grain they are done. Maddie and Sommer are not yet bred so they only get a little bit of maintainance grain, plus fiber nutrients.
Seems that after grain time is cria feeding time. I caught this shot of Victoria and Shelby. I have no idea what would make one want to eat over the poop pile! (this is not a typical spot for them, thankfully).
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