A little known fact about me, I spent some of my childhood living in Madison. From the middle of 1st grade through 5th grade, I lived there. I wonder if any of it will look familiar?
This is our third spring show. We are only bringing 3 alpacas with us, all females. We decided to scale down a bit for this show. It is a further drive for us, and we are stopping in Chicago to drop the kids off at my parents' house. We need to make sure we have room for all our stuff and the kids' stuff. I'm sure with only 3 alpacas back there we will have plenty of room. It will also mean a slower pace show for us. That will give us time to meet new people. We have never been to a show in Wisconsin.
We are bringing Kateri's Tehya. Tehya is also going to Nationals, which will be the end of her show career. We have a breeding date in the works for her :)
On our farm:

Tehya has won some second place ribbons, and this is the 1st place she received last fall:

We are bringing CCAP Cafe au Lait. This will likely be Cafe's last show. We plan to breed her this summer/fall.
On our farm:

And, we are taking our star, OHVNA Pocahontas. We'll see how she does at her 3rd show.
On our farm this past winter:

1st show, 1st place:

Second show, 1st place:

We are still waiting on the color banner she won at her 1st show. I hope we have it in time to hang up at Nationals.
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