My project this month has been to get yarn ready, so when we head to alpaca shows this spring, I have plenty of yarn to knit with on the trip.
This is what I've put together from my stash:

I weighed a completed hat, and found it to be 6 ounces. The contents of this bag weighs over 10 ounces, so I have enough for 1.5 hats. These different color brown and fawn yarn will make a neat striped hat. I will have some left over to use as stripes on another hat.
My first completed skein for February was this bunch from
Tehya's fiber:

I purposely made a larger ball and a smaller ball. This is because I plan to knit ear flap hats with this yarn. I prefer to knit the ear flaps at the same time, which requires two balls of yarn. The main part of the hat can be done with one ball (the larger one).
I weighed these balls, which came to a total of 11 ounces. That means I can make 1 entire Tehya hat, which I've wanted to do because I think her fading fawn color will look awesome on a hat. Then I can make another hat with mostly Tehya, but with another color for stripes.
Then I completed this skein from
Rose's Fiber:
It weighs 7.25 ounces, plenty for a hat. I have a plan to spice up this hat, which I will talk about another day. I figure at this rate I have enough for a spicy Rose hat, and some Rose yarn left over as stripes on another hat.
I put the balls of yarn in bags:

These bags sit on my little table next to my purse, so I know right where to find them when I'm ready to go:

In these three bags I have enough yarn for at least 4 hats:
1 ~ Tehya hat
2 ~ stripey hat
3 ~ mostly Tehya hat with stripes
4 ~ spicy Rose hat
I have already started on a new skein, and what an adventure this has been! I will save that story for another post.
With our planning on 4 spring shows, and my estimate that I can knit a hat on the way there and another on the way back, I need to be prepared for 8 hats. I still have my work cut out for me to get enough yarn ready for spring show season.