The fence is all up, and J has designed a catch pen along with a holding pen with the fence. From what I understand (at this point) the catch pen is a small 10x10 area where the alpaca is confined for training purposes. The holding pen is a bigger area between the barn and the pasture. From reading "The Camelid Companion", it is recomended to use a catch pen rather than corner the alpacas in a larger area (which is often the recommended way to do it). The reason being that cornering the alpacas seem to make them more scared of humans and interact less. I need a read up a lot more on all of this a lot more. At any rate, the fence and gates are all up.
J has spent a lot of time organizing the barn, getting feed, hay and medical supplies. I have been doing more knitting, working on a mitten/hat/scarf set for my daughter.
J updated our logo. He used the outline of an actual oak leaf, then traced the outline of a picture of Victoria and Kateri for this:

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