Sunday, July 31, 2011

Lake Michigan

I did not grow up living in Michigan, but just about every summer for vacation we'd go camping in Michigan. We loved to camp by Lake Michigan. We'd spend the morning hiking in the woods,

the afternoon swimming in Lake Michigan and climbing the sand dunes,

and the evening in front of a camp fire.

Now I live in the woods of Michigan. Lake Michigan is less than an hours drive from my house.

I've made a deal with my kids that when the lake temperature gets into the 70's, I'll take them to the lake. I love to swim and I love Lake Michigan, but I tend to be cold and don't care to swim in cold water. With the recent heat wave, water temps were well into the 70's. On Monday afternoon Zack and I headed to the lake for an afternoon swim. This weekend both Zack and Emma joined me at the lake. We spent most of Saturday and much of Sunday swimming in the lake and climbing the sand dunes. I didn't take my camera with me so these pictures are borrowed from other sites. What a wonderful way to spend a warm and sunny summer weekend.


WonderWhyGal said...

I really need to get my bears to the lake. We always go to South Haven because that is the closest beach to us and...I do enjoy the area.

tehehe, my husband never goes because he doesn't like sand. Geez!

oak haven alpacas said...

We often go to the beach when my husband has to work the weekend. It's a great way to keep the kids busy on my own. My son doesn't like the sand much, so we have that too. Even as a young babe, he never wanted to play in the sand because he didn't like to get his hands dirty. He loves the water though.

South Haven is nice, really anywhere on Lake Michigan is. We went to PJ Hoffmaster state park, but we've gone to other beaches too.

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