Saturday, September 15, 2007

Oak Trees

Our land is located back in a forest of oak trees. For the most part this is wonderful. It gives us a lot of shade, and provides places to go for hikes and for the kids to play. However, the area that had been cleared for a pasture several years ago, now had new oak trees coming up. These trees proved very difficult to dig up. This picture doesn't do the situation justice as it's hard to see the size of the oak trees (there are ferns and behind them small oak trees). Many of the trees were as tall as I am.

While digging up these small oak trees J broke one of our shovels. They are tough trees to get out!

Another part of clearing the land that was difficult is how hot it was while we were working on it. Temps were in the upper 80's and 90's with very high humidity.

Once the land was cleared we planted grass. On September 5, J got the grass seed down. Then we spent many days watering the pasture so that the grass will grow.

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