Friday, November 5, 2010

Fall Show - day one

We packed up and left the house in record time this morning. I dropped the kids off at school at 8 a.m., and before 9 a.m. we had the alpacas ready, and were on the road. Here is our truck and trailer ready to pull out of the driveway:

This is our first time attending Alpacafest, and it's the first time we have been to this venue. We did not know what to expect. The stalls are different than any we have used before, they are tall horse stalls, not our typical movable pens that we've been familiar with. This meant we had to adjust how we set up our pen. Here it is mid-set up when everything is still out of place:

We eventually got everything in it's place. Unfortunately the way the stalls are, the alpacas can hardly be seen. I can't say I like the set up for that reason alone. We want to show off our animals, we want people to see them from far away. You can't see them at all here:

Our alpacas do have hay to eat in the trailer their entire ride, but they always seem to dig right into the hay right upon arrival. I think they stress eat:

Here they are eating their grain:

I am leery about the show rings too, we have never shown in a dirt arena:

A lot of things are different about this show than what we have been used to, not only the stalls and the show rings, but the entire venue. I am trying to keep an open mind, but I admit, when we first arrived I was a bit disappointed. Maybe if we win some nice ribbons that will change my mind.

The first day is only the set up and the exhibitors meeting (which did not get over with until almost 9 p.m.!). Saturday they start showing at 8 a.m. We do not have any animals in the first few classes. Likely only Cavalier will show, late on Saturday. Sunday both Rose and Pocahontas should show.

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