Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Winter continues

We received about three inches of snow overnight.  I have to say, while I think snow is pretty, it's pretty in December NOT March. I know it won't last long, but I need to see the sun. I need to see daffodils.

Spot doesn't look too happy about the snow either:

The alpacas, on the other hand, don't seem to mind:

Even the little ones take the snow in stride.  Here is Night, all snuggled in and letting the snow fall around him:

The spot next to him where you can see the ground bedding, that's where his mom laid overnight.  This is often how we find the dams (moms) and cria (babies) during snow storms.  While they have a shelter, they choose not to go in there.  Instead the dams and cria lay together over the bedding outside and snuggle in.

Rose could care less about the snow, like usual she wants to be the center of attention:

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