Thursday, June 21, 2012

tough to be a mom

Too cute:

That is Jewel napping next to her cria, Ruby.  Jewel, like many new moms, looks really tired.  These cute babies really take it out of you.  Ruby is strong and healthy, but petite as far as most of our cria have been (she was born weighing 12 pounds, when most of ours are around 20).

Jewel and Ruby:


Then there is Stormy, who's already 26 pounds!  He's a big guy:

I couldn't get Raspberry to cooperate for a picture, here she is near Jewel and Ruby who are cushed taking a break:

I need to get a picture of all three cria next to each other, but so far haven't had luck getting that. They move once I get the camera out.

1 comment:

Kathryn Ray said...

Those first couple of photos are precious.

It's nice to see that she's learning how to properly relax. ;-)

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