They are sisters, though the orange striped one is smaller (likely the runt of the litter):

This will be Zack's. He named it "Tiger":

This is Emma's kitten, she named it "Fluffy":

Tonight we will go and pick up the kittens. We will put them in the barn with lots of food and warm hay. I'm expecting the kids will be spending most of the weekend down at the barn.
J talked to Ken and Linda who say the Alpacas may be coming November 15 or 16th, which is next week! That works out well as the kids do not have school on the 15th so I was planning on being home anyway.
Those have got to be the cutest kittens ever! They are adorable and great photography too! Although they look too sweet to be mousers. LOL BUT, they look just like my cat Fluffy who was the best mouser ever so there is hope.
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