Just over a week ago, on Thursday afternoon, Zack suggested that I make a baby sweater to go with the baby hat I had just finished. He pointed to a pattern in a book I had, and told me how great this would be. I agreed. However, I didn't have enough of the contrasting color to start knitting it right away (of course this pattern calls for the contrasting color for the cast on), and the hat was being given away at a baby shower on Sunday, August 8th (a closer deadline than I like to start a project). This started my weekend of fiber, where I flicked fiber and spun fiber and knit it up. I finished the knitting throughout the week (by Wednesday, in plenty of time), and had it ready for the baby shower.
I started with the back of the sweater, here is the cast on:

Then the back completed:

It's a button down sweater so there are two front panels. I decided to knit them at the same time. I know to the experienced knitter this is common sense, but to a knitter who has only done this one other time, I felt like completing this part was an accomplishment.

It's tricky (to me) to keep the two balls of yarn from tangling. It also can be tricky when each side has different changes at different times in the knitted pattern. Thankfully these two front panels mirrored each other so the changes were on the same row, just opposite sides.

Then I knit up the two sleeves the same way, both at the same time.

The last part is to do the neck line, and sew everything together.
Ribbing along the neck line and down the front:

The front and back sewn together at the shoulder:

Sewing the sleeves on:

The last part was to sew on the buttons:

This was the first infant sweater that I've done. I knit a short sleeve sweater for myself a couple years back, but I've not done an infant one. I was impressed with how fast it knit up. It was fun to knit and I'm happy with how it turned out.

I'm very impressed knitting two sides at once, maybe I will have to give that a try next time I do one, well done!
Very adorable.
So you knit it flat and then just knit the seams together, right?
It is so cute. Really!!
yep, you knit each section flat, then sew them together with a big yarn needle and yarn.
I was told by some experienced knitters that sleeves and such should be knit at the same time (you will need 2 balls of yarn), that way they will be the exact same length (no having to measure and hope you have the same number of rows). I've had several experiences of sleeves not matching or the worse one, booties not matching in size. It works very well to do them at the same time, then they are exactly the same, just the tangling balls of yarn and keeping each one separate on the needles is the trick.
Wow Cara....I am so impressed! I cannot believe you made the sweater so quickly! You truly are talented. I can't wait to dress our little one in this cozy sweater and hat! Thank you again!
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