Thursday, September 9, 2010


Before Challenger was born, we were hoping for a grey alpaca from that breeding match-up. Challenger's sire is our light silver grey male, Tucker. We knew from a genetic standpoint, Tucker could either pass on his grey gene, or his black gene. That makes a 50% chance of grey. Challenger's dam, Victoria, is a brown, but a reddish brown often referred to as maroon. (Pictures of each parent can be found on the website I linked to from their name). Victoria has a black gene (from her sire) and a brown gene. Victoria could pass on either, giving the cria a 50% chance of brown or 50% chance of black. Combining the color genetics of both parents, the odds stack up to this: 25% black, 25% silver grey, 25% brown, and 25% rose grey.

When Challenger was born, we could see the grey on his face, the grey patches on his legs, and some grey sprinkled in his blanket. Having had a cria that wasn't quiet grey enough for the grey class (our Pocahontas who color checked as "indefinite dark" rather than grey), we were leery to jump right to thinking Challenger is grey.

Now that he is shorn, we can see the grey all over him. I don't think he will have any problem color checking as rose grey!

Unfortunately he is a very active boy who does not like his picture taken. Those were the best I could get. He does have quite a few spots all over him. In the grey class, spots are not considered a defect. Spots are so common among greys that it is fully accepted. I will say that one thing I like about our grey male, Tucker, is that he has almost no spots, especially on his blanket. I prefer the look of no spots. But, Challenger may just change my mind on spots.

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